

Percent Of…

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There are a few ways to solve this problem. My method is, backsolving with the answers. On the OAT you are very limited with time (especially QR), and sometimes using the “less traditional” method of plugging in answers, is in fact, the quickest way. For this (and other similar problems), it is basically asking, what percent of 335 will give 134. From the answer choices, you can already eliminate anything over 50% as 134 is clearly less than half of 335, and you can tell 134 will definitely fit into 335 less than 4 or so times, thus eliminating 25%. This leaves you with 3 answer choices.

Begin the process of elimination by multiplying the answer choice percentages by the given 335 and pick the one that gives the provided benchmark (134).

Answer choice B will give: (0.35 * 335)= 117.25

Answer choice C will give: (0.40 * 335) = 134

This whole process of mentally (and quickly eliminating answer choices) and plugging in the calculator answers and back solving should take no more than 30 seconds! Just remember, the conventional way to solving a problem may not be the quickest way. The OAT doesn’t ask for work to your solutions, it just asks for a correct answer, quickly.