Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


How close are these questions in regards to the actual OAT?

The questions posted mimic the actual OAT exam in regards to the content of the question and how it is presented (or worded). While studying for the OAT, I used numerous sources of studying and practice examinations, all in similar style to the actual OAT, and then, upon taking the OAT, continue to present readers with the similar style of questions I, and others, have seen on the actual examination. While the OAT covers a very broad range of subjects, a big percent of the examination has very predictable specific questions that are always appearing on each exam, and it is these questions that this website focuses on. While this website (nor any other OAT studying resource) is able to post (or predict) the exact specific questions asked, it can provide a “you’ll see this type of question”, thus shifting focus to specific subjects that really matter.


What are the credentials of the person operating the website?

I am NOT an expert test taker that has studied the OAT for years upon years and gives advice/lectures based on research. That is what Kaplan, Chad e.t.c do. I am, a like most of the visitors of this website, a pre-optometry student who has used numerous resources and racked in hours studying for the OAT, and would like to help out others who are studying for it. I took the OAT once and achieved the following scores:

Biology: 350

Gen Chem: 330

Orgo: 360

RC: 350

Physics: 330

QR: 350

TS: 350

AA: 350

You can read how I studied for this exam and achieved these scores by looking at the study page.


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If you are interested in promoting your product/business via this website, please contact admin@oatquestionoftheday.net
